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Run Scylla in Docker and query with DataStation

This tutorial walks through running Scylla in Docker and querying the database in DataStation.

Database initialization [Optional]

If you want to follow along with this tutorial verbatim, in your terminal start Scylla in Docker:

$ cid=$(docker run -d -p 9042:9042 scylladb/scylla --smp 1 --authenticator PasswordAuthenticator --broadcast-address --listen-address --broadcast-rpc-address

Then use the started container id to create a new keyspace via cqlsh, using the default credentials, within the container (you may need to wait a few seconds for the container to initialize before running this):

$ docker exec "$cid" cqlsh -u cassandra -p cassandra -e "CREATE KEYSPACE test WITH REPLICATION = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 1};"

Data source setup

Now inside DataStation create a new data source in the left sidebar.

Creating a new data source

Give it a nice name so you easily can find it later. And select ScyllaDB in the Vendor dropdown.

Creating a Scylla data source

Host field

If you are connecting to localhost:9042 (the default), you can leave the host field blank. If your port is 9042 then you can always omit the colon and port and just specify the address.

Other fields

Next fill in the username and authentication fields if necessary. Leaving these fields blank is ok too.

SSH Proxy [Optional]

If you want connect to a Scylla database on a remote server through an SSH proxy, you will need to set up the SSH connection to that server first. Once you do, you can select that connection in the "Via Server" dropdown within the data source editor.

Panel setup

Now create a new panel and select the Database type.

Create database panel

Run a query

Copy the following query and hit play!

SELECT * FROM system.local;

Run Scylla query

Note: Ctrl-r is a shortcut for hitting the play button when you are focused on one panel.

You can always download the results of a panel by hitting the download button. Or you can reference the results in other panels.

Download panel results

Display results

After running the query, a table button will appear below the panel next to the New Panel button. Click it to generate a table based on this panel.

Render results

About this page

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Last edited Apr 06, 2022.