DataStation is an open-source data IDE for developers. It allows you to easily build graphs and tables with data pulled from SQL databases, logging databases, metrics databases, HTTP servers, and all kinds of text and binary files. Need to join or munge data? Write embedded scripts as needed in Python, JavaScript, Ruby, R, or Julia. All in one application.

DataStation 0.3.0 Release Notes

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DataStation is an open-source data IDE for developers. It allows you to easily build graphs and tables with data pulled from SQL databases, logging databases, metrics databases, HTTP servers, and all kinds of text and binary files. Need to join or munge data? Write embedded scripts as needed in Python, JavaScript, Ruby, R, or Julia. All in one application.

Release Notes

Server Mode

It is now fully supported and documentation to run DataStation as a server application. This is useful if you frequently switch devices or if you are working on a team. The projects you edit on the server can be shared/viewed/edited by the entire team.

To run the server mode, you will need a PostgreSQL database and an OIDC-compatible authentication service such as Google Accounts. The install steps and provided script are for systems that use systemd (so recent Ubuntu, Fedora, CentOS, RHEL, Amazon Linux, etc.) but you could manually adjust the steps for running in a containerized environment. Read the install guide for complete details.

Read-Only Dashboards

When running the server there is now a tab for showing all graphs and tables for the page in read-only mode. This makes it easy for you to share the results of an exploration with folks who may not want to make modifications. In the future there will be a concept of user permissions where some users will only be able to view the dashboard tab and not make edits to the project.

Read-only dashboards

Scheduled Recurring Email Exports

When running the server there is now a tab for scheduling daily, weekly, or monthly runs of a project page Every day, week, or month the entire page is reevaluated from top to bottom. All graph and table panels on that page are sent as an HTML email to the recipients of your choice. You will need to configure an SMTP server for this to work.

Scheduled email exports

Misc Improvements

  • You can now configure the display width of graphs to improve readability
  • You can now refer to the results of other panels by panel name (e.g. prev = DM_getPanel('fetch csv results'))
  • All panel details are collapsible
  • You can toggle between unique colors or one color in graph mode
  • You can now create line graphs in addition to bar graphs and pie charts
  • Panels run significantly faster by lazily loading code for evaluation during each run
Improved readability on graphs
More controls for graphs

Install or upgrade

Get the 0.3.0 release now!

How you can help

If you are a developer or engineering manager, install DataStation and start using it at work! Report bugs and usability issues (there are surely many). Get in touch if you are interested in being a design partner.

If you are an investor, get in touch.
